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November 2017
Page Count
ISBN (Digital)

Survey of Economics

Version 2.0
By Libby Rittenberg and Timothy Tregarthen

Included Supplements

Key Features

  • “Start-Up” sections in each chapter introduce new key concepts.
  • The “Try It” sections encourage students to walk through scenarios related to each concept and idea.
  • The “Case in Point” features use real-world applications to harness concepts in reality.
  • Customizable.


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This textbook is suitable for the following courses: Introductory Level Economics, and Principles of Economics.

In Survey of Economics, Rittenberg covers topics that provide students with the tools to understand the economic way of thinking in a shorter amount of time. Using applications from sports, politics, campus life, and current events, Rittenberg links theoretical principles and common experiences.

New in This Version

  • Incorporates research on technological change and the wage gap.
  • Addresses the role of education in shaping society and the future of jobs.
  • New analysis on the Great Recession.
  • Discusses economic growth prospects in the new century.
  • Added emphasis on both current issues as well as historical context.

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FlatWorld Homework

FlatWorld Homework includes multi-format questions written specifically for your FlatWorld book, which you can access through our stand-alone interface or integrate with your learning management system.

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Instructor’s Manual

The Instructor Manual guides you through the main concepts of each chapter and important elements such as learning objectives, key terms, and key takeaways. Can include answers to chapter exercises, group activity suggestions, and discussion questions.

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PowerPoint Lecture Notes

A PowerPoint presentation highlighting key learning objectives and the main concepts for each chapter are available for you to use in your classroom. You can either cut and paste sections or use the presentation as a whole.

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Test Generator - powered by Cognero

FlatWorld has partnered with Cognero, a leading online assessment system, that allows you to create printable tests from FlatWorld provided content.

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Test Bank Files for Import to Learning Management Systems

For your convenience, we've packaged our test items for easy import into Learning Management Systems like Blackboard, Brightspace/D2L, Canvas, Moodle, or Respondus.

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Solutions Manual

For exercises that need a little more explanation, our Solutions Manual will take you step by step through solving the problem and offer explanations on the answer.

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Test Item File

Need assistance in supplementing your quizzes and tests? Our test-item files (in Word format) contain many multiple-choice, fill-in-the-blank, and short-answer questions.

At FlatWorld, we take pride in providing a range of high-quality supplements alongside our titles, to help instructors teach effectively. Supplements are available for instructors who have registered their adoption with us. If you need to review or preview something specific, please contact us.

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Libby Rittenberg

Colorado College

Dr. Libby Rittenberg is Professor of Economics at Colorado College since 1989. She has been the Dean of the Summer Session since 2003. She frequently teaches the Principles of Economics, Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory, Comparative Economic Systems, and a senior seminar on the International Political Economy. She received her Bachelor’s Degree from Simmons College and her Ph. D. in Economics from Rutgers University in 1980. Throughout her career, she was very involved in study abroad education and directed programs in central Europe and Turkey. She was a Fulbright Lecturer from 1982-1984. She recently became professor emeritus.

Timothy Tregarthen

University of Colorado Colorado Springs

There is one word that captures the essence of Dr. Timothy Tregarthen - inspiring. Tim was first diagnosed with MS in 1975. Yet, he continued a remarkable academic career of teaching and research. In 1996, he published the first edition of his principles of economics textbook to great acclaim, and it became widely used in colleges around the country. That same year, MS made him wheelchair-bound. The disease forced his retirement from teaching at the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs in 1998. He lost the use of his arms in 2001 and has been quadriplegic ever since. In 2002, Tim’s doctor expected him to die. He was placed in the Pikes Peak Hospice program, and was twice given his last rites by his priest. UCCS Chancellor Shockley-Zalabak says that “I really thought that Tim would die in Hospice. That’s what the doctors told me, and I really believed that. I remember one day they called me and told me to try to come see him. They didn't expect him to live through the night.” Not only did he live through the night, but eventually recovered to the point that he moved from hospice to a long term care facility. There, he never let his disease get him down. In fact, he turned back to his love of writing and teaching for inspiration. He obtained a voice-activated computer, recruited a co-author, Libby Rittenberg of Colorado College, and turned his attention to revising his principles of economics book. FlatWorld is honored to publish a new, first edition relaunch of this wonderful book, and proud to bring Tim's incredible talents as a teacher back to life for future generations of students to learn from. In addition to completing the re-write of his textbook, Tim recently completed an autobiography about the 32 years he has had multiple sclerosis, titled Suffering, Faith, and Wildflowers. He is nearing completion of a novel, Cool Luck, based on the life of a friend. It is the story of a young couple facing the husband's diagnosis of ALS — Lou Gehrig's disease. Remarkably, in 2007, he was able to return to the classroom at UCCS, where he taught economics for 27 years. Perhaps Tim’s approach to life is best summed up by an observation by UCCS English professor Thomas Naperierkowski: “One of the remarkable things is, heck, I can wake up with a headache and be a pretty grouchy character, but given his physical trials, which he faces every minute of his life these days, I've never seen him grouchy, I’ve never seen him cranky.” Carry on, Tim.
