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March 2022
Page Count
ISBN (Digital)

Leadership for Organizations

Version 2.0

Included Supplements

Key Features

  • Leadership Videos. Embeds twenty-three video cases drawn from Stanford Graduate School of Business’s “Leadership in Focus” video collection. These videos illustrate leadership theories and concepts as they challenge students to problem-solve about typical leadership dilemmas
  • Current. Features a timely section on contemporary issues in leadership including moral leadership, giving feedback, shared leadership, and inspirational leadership. At a more macro level, a section on visionary and strategic leadership covers important topics such as how leaders can effectively shape organizational culture and lead change
  • Supportive learning structure
    • “Learning Objectives” at the beginning of each chapter help guide and focus students’ learning and stimulate student/faculty interactions
    • “Key Terms” are highlighted and defined in context
    • Twenty-three embedded video cases drawn from Stanford Graduate School of Business’s “Leadership in Focus” video collection
    • “Conclusion” briefly summarizes the preceding chapter to reinforce learning while it is fresh
    • “Discussion Questions” at the end of every chapter draw from the chapter and/or its Appendix material to stimulate deeper analysis of recently covered content and information drawn from self-report inventories. Guidelines for suggested responses are included in the instructor’s manual
    • Appendices at the ends of many chapters contain
      • Self-report inventories that help students better understand their leadership strengths and abilities
      • Additional, written case materials to form the basis of class discussions
  • Instructor’s manual (IM), sample syllabus, and PowerPoint slides are prepared by the authors themselves to enrich presentations and stimulate class discussions. Extensive teaching notes in the IM are keyed to each video and in the context of a particular leadership topic (e.g., leader-member exchange, ethical leadership, etc.)


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Leadership for Organizations is appropriate for Leadership courses taught primarily in departments of business or management at the undergraduate level at two- and four-year colleges and universities, as well as at the MBA level. This book may also be used in leadership courses that are offered in other colleges or departments, such as public policy, military science, nursing, and education.

Leadership for Organizations is a concise, yet complete overview of leadership at the individual, team, and organizational levels. Its unique, video-based approach is grounded in the authors’ extensive teaching, research, and consulting experiences. They have discovered that exposing students to a variety of role models captured on video is a highly effective strategy for preparing successful future leaders. Consequently, the authors carefully curated and embedded in the book twenty-three video cases drawn from Stanford Graduate School of Business’s “Leadership in Focus” video collection. Many videos were scripted and filmed expressly for use in the book. The videos center around thirteen key leadership topics, and each topic is typically illustrated by multiple videos.

Leaders featured in the embedded videos range from first-time managers to CEOs of global corporations. Through storytelling, each featured leader serves as a role model who describes in very personal terms the challenges they have faced, decisions they have made, and the impacts of those decisions. Such storytelling not only engages students but also helps them evaluate and develop their own leadership skills as they imagine how they would confront similar situations. Class discussions based on the videos, either face-to-face or online, form the core component of the book’s learning process and are extensively supported in the supplemental materials. 

New in This Version

Updated throughout. Includes additional self-report inventories (e.g., Ch. 11) and new information such as organizational culture and competitive advantage (Ch. 12).


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