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November 2020
Page Count
ISBN (Digital)

Global Business Management

Version 1.1

Included Supplements

Key Features

  • Cornerstone themes of entrepreneurship and strategy.
  • Strategy is defined as competition and competitive advantage, while entrepreneurship, along with managing intrapreneurship, is seen as creating new opportunities where none previously existed.
  • Many organizations increasingly conduct at least some of their business across borders. For students who are budding entrepreneurs, understanding global management and international business expands their entrepreneurial mindset, preparing them to start a business or think more creatively and competitively as a global manager.
  • The narrative is organized around answers to key questions—what, where, why and how of international management.
  • Strong focus on presenting key finance concepts to be readily understood by non-financial managers.
  • Cases and learning lessons place students in the roles of the decision-makers. They become engaged in solving the myriad of transactions, business opportunities, relationships, and practical problems resulting from a globalized and highly interconnected business environment.
  • Blended academic and practitioner perspectives integrate recognized research with real-world, practical examples and discussions.
  • Supportive learning structure:
    • High-Interest features
      • “Did You Know?” Facts about international business and management.
      • “Amusing Anecdote” High-interest examples of global management situations, marketing snafus, and other mistakes coupled with related key international business facts.
      • “Ethics in Action” Examples of the typical ethical issues that arise in international business management.
      • “Tips in Your Managerial ToolKit” Specific and practical tools related to international business management.
  • Opening Cases and Callouts. Scenarios are drawn from an international business management perspective but are still current and topical. Examples include: global women and minority managers; how to navigate cultural nuances and competitive environments; understanding evolving technologies and cybersecurity; understanding blockchain technology and its growing impact on global business.
  • Learning Objectives and interim summaries called Key Takeaways.
  • End-of-chapter questions and exercises based on AACSB learning standards—these exercises include review questions, experiential exercises, ethical dilemmas, and exercises related to the opening chapter case.


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Global Business Management, Version 1.1 is suitable for courses on international or global business management that cover the fundamentals of multinational firm management and the role of the global manager at the two- and four-year undergraduate and MBA levels.

Global Business Management, Version 1.1 covers all aspects of building, leading, and managing a thriving global organization in an increasingly complex environment. Its fresh approach directly addresses the seismic changes taking place on global, national, and local levels that challenge long-held and fundamental assumptions about global trade, globalization, economics, and management. 

Not only does this book encompass all of the core fundamentals of business, international trade, and management, but is unique in its exploration of more than just the essentials. The author’s orientation is both strategic and entrepreneurial, and it speaks with authenticity to technologically savvy students who see national borders as bridges and not barriers. Moreover, the book develops students' knowledge of international contexts preparing them to launch, run, and work in any organization that is global in scope (or wrestling with global competition or other global threats).  

The idea that management itself remains an evolving field underpins the book, reflecting the continuous disruptions of new ideas and technologies, as well as global political, economic, and social developments. To understand the new disruptions, the author strives to help students master the fundamentals and modern history of international management and global business. 

Version 1.1 reflects incremental changes in the global business environment, such as the impact of the coronavirus pandemic, Brexit, China’s Belt and Road initiatives, China’s investment in developing economies, evolving global supply chain strategies, and a 2020 update of the United States’ Trade Representative’s “Priority Watch List.”

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