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April 2020
Page Count
ISBN (Digital)

General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry

Version 2.0
By David W. Ball, John W. Hill, and Rhonda J. Scott

Included Supplements

Key Features

  • Written for the two-term general, organic, and biological chemistry course.
  • Minimizes student math anxiety and increases learners' comprehension by:
    • Employing a clear and consistent problem-solving style for mathematical problems.
    • Emphasizing units of quantities and how they work out in algebraic treatments.
  • Each chapter is structured with helpful learning components:
    • “Learning Objectives” organized by section.
    • “Skill-Building Exercises” follow each example problem to help students immediately practice the skill they have learned while it is still fresh in their memories.
    • “Concept Review Exercises” focus on key ideas from the preceding section.
    • “Key Takeaways” at the end of every section echo and reinforce the preceding section’s “Learning Objectives.”
    • “Looking Closer” features expand on topics that are both relevant and appealing to learners.
    • “To Your Health” features describe how key topics relate directly to health issues.
    • “Career Focus” features present a healthcare occupation to provide students with exposure to various healthcare career paths.
    • “Chapter Summaries” highlight key concepts covered in the preceding chapter.
    • “Additional Exercises” at the end of every chapter provide multiple opportunities for additional practice and reinforcement of the chapter’s content.
  • Fully updated periodic table accounts for newest elements.
  • Refreshed illustration program enhances clarity and visual appeal. Chemical structures have been redrawn to conform with American Chemical Society style.


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General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry is written for the two-term general, organic, and biological chemistry (GOB) course sequence with a condensed version of the same book available for one-term courses. It is a comprehensive introduction written by three specialists in each area that comprises the subject. This book’s focus on accessible writing, useful pedagogical features, and addressing math anxiety make it an ideal introduction to core chemistry concepts in health and the life sciences.

General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry is suitable for the introduction to GOB course, usually called General, Organic and Biological Chemistry; Chemistry for Allied Health; or Chemistry for Nurses. The GOB course generally enrolls nursing, occupational therapy, physical therapy, and other allied health students. It can be offered in one or two terms at the undergraduate level at both two- and four-year colleges and universities. 


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David W. Ball

David W. Ball

Cleveland State University

Dr. Ball is a professor of chemistry at Cleveland State University in Ohio. He earned his Ph.D. from Rice University in Houston, Texas. His specialty is physical chemistry, which he teaches at the undergraduate and graduate levels. About 50 percent of his teaching is in general chemistry: chemistry for nonscience majors, GOB, and general chemistry for science and engineering majors. In addition to this text, he is the author of a math review book for general chemistry students, a physical chemistry textbook with accompanying student and instructor solutions manuals, and two books on spectroscopy (published by SPIE Press). He is coauthor of a general chemistry textbook (with Dan Reger and Scott Goode), whose third edition was published in January 2009. His publication list includes over 220 items, evenly distributed between research papers and articles of educational interest.

John W. Hill

John W. Hill

University of Wisconsin - River Falls

Dr. Hill was Professor Emeritus from University of Wisconsin-River Falls. An organic chemist, he has had more than 50 publications in refereed journals, most of which have an educational bent. He authored or coauthored several introductory level chemistry textbooks, all of which have gone into multiple editions. He also presented over 60 papers at national conferences, many relating to science education. He received several awards for outstanding teaching, and had long been active in the American Chemical Society, both at local and national levels. Dr. Hill passed away in August of 2017.

Rhonda J. Scott

Rhonda J. Scott

Southern Adventist University

Dr. Scott is a Professor of Chemistry at Southern Adventist University in Collegedale, Tennessee. She earned her Ph.D. from the University of California at Riverside and has a background in enzyme and peptide chemistry. Previous to her experience at SAU, she taught at Loma Linda University and the University of Wisconsin at River Falls. In the past ten years, she has presented at national ACS meetings and other workshops and conferences. She has also been very active in the development of teaching materials, having reviewed or contributed to other textbooks and test banks.

Additions & Errata

  • Changed "sex-change operations" to "sex reassignment surgeries" in Chapter 21, Section 4 (5/5/21)
