Introduction to Public Speaking: An Inductive Approach is appropriate for the Introduction to Public Speaking course taught at the undergraduate level at two- and four-year colleges and universities.
Introduction to Public Speaking: An Inductive Approach brings a fresh and common-sense strategy to teaching and learning public speaking. This book’s inductive approach guides students to learn and practice each part of a public speech one component at a time. Confidence grows and competence naturally develops as learners build the necessary skills, one by one, that are required to conceptualize, research, prepare, and successfully deliver a full speech. The deductive approach used by other books can overwhelm students and stoke anxiety. This is because deductive learners are typically expected to deliver fully finished speeches before they thoroughly understand each component. In contrast, Introduction to Public Speaking: An Inductive Approach is constructed to assuage anxiety and build competence with its supportive, step-by-step learning strategy.
To begin, students prepare and present short speech segments of 1–2 minutes in length. These initial speeches are based on models provided in the book and separately focus on each speech component. Learners immediately become familiar with all the core building blocks of a successful speech. As a result, students feel in better control of the entire learning process. Encouraged by initial successes with manageable exercises, students are less apprehensive as they contemplate more fully composed speeches. Further, by concentrating on and practicing one speech segment or skill at a time, students better retain what they have learned over time.
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